Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Cause I'm a Paper Chaser

Today is my first day back at work. The one thing that is bad about taking a vacation is that you never know what you're gonna have waiting for you when you get back. I've been out of the loop for three weeks, so when I opened the Assistant Instructional Design email inbox and saw all these replies, forwards, and frantic emails from professors who will burn the school down if they don't get this file uploaded to their course by today, I nearly quit. And flicked everyone off as I did it.

When a professor emails me something like, "PLEASE!!!! THIS IS WRONG, CORRECT IT!!! MY CLASS STARTS TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" What would one think about that? Has all manners of professionalism gone out the window? I literally had an email like that today. All caps, excessive pleading and exclamation points. If this is the type of emails we get, you would think the world is ending. But no, this professor just turned out to be an idiot and sent us the wrong stuff. We did exactly what she asked, but now because of her foolishness, we have to redo the course page. But not by tomorrow! So take that, sucker!

Last night I rolled around in bed and thought about what I was going to blog about today. I laughed out loud on multiple occasions. At 2am. Alone. In my bedroom.


Needless to say, I couldn't come up with anything blog-friendly to write about. So thank goodness I had a crazy professor email me today, or there would be no blog.

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