Friday, February 11, 2011

Oh, hey blogger.

Remember that time I haven't blogged in over two years? Probably not, because let's be real, no one's reading this anyway.

Well, it's 2011. What's happened since we've last spoke?

I've graduated with my Bachelor's degree in Social Science and I'm currently enrolled in the last semester of my Master's degree in Educational Technology.

My addiction to crystal meth has come and gone. And come again.

Oh, and Egypt's president, Hosni Mubarak, just resigned. Like, right now, after 3 weeks of protesting by millions of Egyptian citizens. The emotional crowds celebrating all over the country are deafening. Power of the people! Jubilation! Congratulations, Egypt. We are proud of you.

I've gotten a new job. Granted, it's a one year contract, but hey - maybe if I'm fantastic and prove myself worthy, they will keep me around.

So, yeah, stuff's been happening!

Now, what do I say to you? I'm trying to blog more. You've heard that one before, I know, but it's true. What do you want to hear about? What do you want to read? I need to find a groove to get into, so I don't disappoint.

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